July 29, 2019

More Than A Shed

We have a little shed in our backyard that we actually get a lot of use out of– but it’s looking a little sad and we started talking about replacing or fixing it up this past weekend while working out in the yard. So I took a deep dive onto Pinterest for ideas… and the examples of what people have done to their “sheds” and garden buildings had me squealing.  There is something SO charming about a well designed shed….

I can’t deal with the cuteness of this Dutch door situation!

Quite the potting shed :)

A smaller, darling option if you can do the glass-heavy look:

Of course Joanna Gaines has an amazing one…

I’d love to spend an afternoon here!


White washed brick always leaves me weak in the knees.

Walpole Woodworkers is a source that I know of that makes really amazing exterior elements for home and garden (trellis kits, custom fencing, etc) and also does THE BEST sheds. Here are just a few I’m obsessing over:


At the same time, I came upon this INCREDIBLE playhouse that architect Patrick Ahearn did and it made me want a playhouse for Henry SO BAD (also, I love all things tiny so it’s also  a little bit for me too). But I can’t have BOTH a shed and playhouse on my small lot. It would look ridiculous and take up way too much space.

SoI started thinking, why not figure out to combine BOTH into one structure?  I’m thinking we could use the bottom left Walpole shed from above (white with black doors) in place of our current gross shed, but trick out the inside so that a portion of it acts as a playhouse for Henry, and the rest is storage for garden stuff and Henry’s huge PowerWheels! Here’s a little sketch- the front door (a dutch door, of course) would access the playhouse and the larger side doors would be access for the shed. Down the road when Henry is older, we (or future owners) could just remove the middle wall to make it ALL shed.


Also, Jenny Komenda did an adorable playhouse that could be inspiration for our shed/ playhouse. See more of it here.

We’ll see if I actually pull the trigger on this- but it would be SO fun to do!!! I love thinking about it at least!

Here are some more sheds and garden structures that have caught me eye in my obsessive research….