July 17, 2019

A Summer Classic

As you may know, I am a connoisseur of the striped Breton shirt. I may have like 15 in my drawer right now in fact, and am always on the hunt for my next favorite one. So when I stumbled upon the work of Jeff Robinson I almost fell over in delight. His paintings of striped shirts bring me so much joy, and if I had a spare $5,000 laying around I would snap one up immediately. So charming!

So I found some other striped shirt decor alternatives, like these wonderful Elizabeth Mayhew prints I’ve used a couple times in projects (wonderful for little girl’s bathrooms and rooms!)

left // middle // right

Artist Sara Fitz has a line of wallpaper and wrapping paper in a Breton shirt pattern too- so adorable. You can see her York, Maine home here in Yankee Magazine!

This little print from Artfully Walls would be so cute worked into a gallery wall. Erin Clark is a painter who works exclusively in stripes (and did a commission for a project I’m photographing in August- it’s SO good!)

This cute digital print is only $5 and this book, by illustrator Kate Schelter (who also loves a good striped shirt) is an adorable collection of her work (also, check out HER cool apartment here)

Also, I based this collection I did with Jill Rosenwald on my beloved stripe shirt (Jill also is as big of a fan as I am! In fact we’d share our fave striped shirt sources with each other!)

And since we’re on the subject– a round up of some great striped shirts for the whole family! Andrew absolutely REFUSES to wear a horizontally striped tee and it makes me CRAZY because it’s such a  handsome look. UGH! So you better believe Henry wears them ALL THE TIME while I can make him. :)



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