The “enough” Lingua Franca sweater donates $100 to Everytown for each one purchased!
It just felt silly to post much of anything else today. This gun violence epidemic is just beyond comprehension. And not just the mass shootings (which we have SO, SO many of)- but also the smaller, widely ignored violence and deaths we’ve become completely numb to as a country. THINGS MUST CHANGE. And the only way they will is if we keep this momentum, this rage, UP FRONT AND CENTER. Today is Gun Violence Awareness Day, and to show support on this day you are supposed to wear orange. Turns out, I own not one thing that is true orange, so I’m wearing coral. But today’s post theme is orange (admittedly a tough color to wear but this isn’t about vanity). Here are some orange pieces you can wear with flair and pride, and randomly the denim cutoffs I’ve been loving this season for good measure. Hey, they look good with orange.
Please continue to donate to funds such as Everytown, Sandy Hook Promise, Brady United and Moms Demand Action. In case you missed it, last week I raised $15k from you guys on IG for Everytown and then matched it with a $15k donation of my own. LET’S DO THIS.
Click on images for links, except for the two Lingua Franca sweaters: Enough // Fight Like A Mother (both donate to gun violence organizations when you purchase) and the Everytown t-shirt
Thanks for giving such a wonderful informative information. I hope you will publish again such type of post. I also share your post to my family or friends.
Link to blouse? Image is next to the sandals.
1- We have tons of orange in our wardrobes due to it being one of the colors for our kids’ high school, and also the fact that one of our kids now goes to Univ of Tenn (Go Vols! 🧡). I had a coral dress on yesterday so I hope that made a statement at least a little indirectly. ;)
2- LOVE those cut off shorts!
3- So well-stated Gail – could not agree more. Thanks for sharing your insight and thoughts.
Saying we can’t create a law because people would break that law makes absolutely no sense. Chicago is not an example to use as it’s surrounded by places that do not have the same gun laws. All laws are broken all of the time. It doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be laws. We can have gun control while also maintaining gun ownership for law abiding citizens. TWO THINGS CAN BE TRUE AT ONCE. Thank you, Erin for using your voice!!
Maybe instead of sending $40 million to Ukraine so they can buy more guns to defend their country, we could use that money to have security guards at all schools to protect our most precious children in this country.
Gail- except that in the case of a break in, if you are a responsible gun owner that gun is going to do you NO good as it’s locked up and unloaded. A violent intruder has the upper hand, always- whether they have a gun, a knife, their hands. Stricter gun laws do not mean all criminals will “still get guns” and “the good guys” will have none. It makes it A LOT harder to get a gun- and the wrong people met with push back may not proceed buying one. Right now we basically give them away. Closing the gun show loopholes, setting up nation wide mandatory background checks, waiting periods and banning the AR-15 are all reasonable gun control measures. No one is saying “take away all the guns”, please stop framing it as such.
Great post, Gail! I am also a fan of Sowell. If anyone is interested, The Quest For Cosmic Justice is free on Audible.
Excellent post, Gail! I am also a fan of Sowell. If anyone is interested, The Quest For Cosmic Justice is free on Audible.
Gail – I don’t think an elementary school should feel like an airport, bank, or government office. A school has a very different purpose than those places, namely they are for children! There are numerous studies that show metal detectors and other such measures are detrimental to students. To me, the strongest argument for gun control are the examples of other countries where they’ve essentially eliminated this problem. As Erin mentioned, there are many common sense reforms we can enact that still preserve and protect the constitutional rights of gun owners.
Totally agree! Imagine if guns had been taken away from a Ukrainians!
I am very concerned about gun violence. I want to protect our precious children the same way we protect our politicians, celebrities, banks, etc. Have you ever visited a Jewish school? Very secure. I want solutions. Also, there was no guard at the school when the shooter arrived. Ukraine is another emotional talking point. Of course, no one wants to see innocent people suffering. However, when we help Ukraine, we are putting the US in danger of war WITH Russia.
The gun problem in America is very complicated. Progressive prosecutors releasing violent criminals onto our streets have caused a crime wave across America. I never said I needed an AR-15. I do know we have a constitution (2nd amendment ) and I know that law-abiding gun owners are not committing violent gun crimes. Most gun violence is with handguns. Look at Chicago.
Average Americans have the right to defend themselves from criminals in crime-infested cities (Chicago, Houston, New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Detroit, San Francisco, Dallas, Denver, etc.) just like politicians and celebrities do (with guns). There are not enough police to protect everyone. Politicians have a duty to be good stewards of our tax dollars and use it to protect our precious children first. However, that is not what’s happening in this country.
I will leave you with some wisdom from Thomas Sowell. If you’re not familiar with Sowell, he is brilliant. He is an American economist, syndicated columnist, writer and social theorist who also serves as a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. I’m much older than you so I have had the opportunity to learn from him for over 20 years. His book, The Quest for Cosmic Justice, is very interesting. You may enjoy reading it. He’s famous for various quotes on many subjects. Just google Thomas Sowell quotes. Here’s his gun control quote:
“The key fallacy of so-called gun-control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available.
I hope this gives you some insight into my viewpoint. I understand and respect your emotional response to this tragedy. I’m a grandmother and I want my grandchildren and all children to be safe. Our airports, banks, and government buildings are secure. Why not our schools? Fair question?
Uvalde PROVED armed guards don’t work. More guns is not the answer at all and is a lazy excuse to keep things the way they are. Look to the other countries in the world that had horrific mass shootings and immediately enacted bans and reform and all but STOPPED it from happening again. Why is it you don’t think it’s worth doing that? Owning an AR 15 is more important to you? Please explain.
There are 400 million guns in the US.
Let us all contemplate that number. Kinda dwarfs the 40 million in aid sent to the Ukraine bc the market value of all those guns is huge.
400. Million. Guns.
Do you think we should all standby and doing nothing while Russia invades another country, destroying their cities and killing their residents? Sending money or arms is our way to help without actually starting a war with Russia. Have a heart!
Secondly, do you think having armed guards at schools is really a place you want to send your precious children? Erin is doing what we as parents need to do – stop the guns!
My retirement community wore orange today and ages 102 to 73 protested on behalf of gun legislation during rush hour. I had to, my granddaughter is 10 and in 4th grade.
That is AWESOME!!!!!!
Thank you for this post! Wearing orange today and feeling hopeful we can create change.
I appreciate how vocal you have been about this important issue, even when it’s not easy!
I agree with you, M.E. It’s one of the many reasons I follow Erin.
Link to blouse?