June 3, 2022

Fashion Friday: WEAR ORANGE

The “enough” Lingua Franca sweater donates $100 to Everytown for each one purchased!

It just felt silly to post much of anything else today. This gun violence epidemic is just beyond comprehension. And not just the mass shootings (which we have SO, SO many of)- but also the smaller, widely ignored violence and deaths we’ve become completely numb to as a country. THINGS MUST CHANGE.  And the only way they will is if we keep this momentum, this rage, UP FRONT AND CENTER. Today is Gun Violence Awareness Day, and to show support on this day you are supposed to wear orange. Turns out, I own not one thing that is true orange, so I’m wearing coral.  But today’s post theme is orange (admittedly a tough color to wear but this isn’t about vanity).  Here are some orange pieces you can wear with flair and pride, and randomly the denim cutoffs I’ve been loving this season for good measure. Hey, they look good with orange.

Please continue to donate to funds such as Everytown, Sandy Hook Promise, Brady United and Moms Demand Action.  In case you missed it, last week I raised $15k from you guys on IG for Everytown and then matched it with a $15k donation of my own. LET’S DO THIS.

Click on images for links, except for the two Lingua Franca sweaters: Enough // Fight Like A Mother (both donate to gun violence organizations when you purchase) and the Everytown t-shirt