October 7, 2014

It’s Here.


This post has been a long time coming. Not just the nearly two year book process, but one that starts way before then. With a girl who loved reading and beautiful pictures and said “someday I want to write a book”.  With a young blogger who got such a thrill from seeing her statistics say she had 75 views in one day (and knowing her Mom hadn’t been all of them).  With a burgeoning writer who felt nervous about sharing personal stories and then found such joy in that sharing.  With a girl who found her voice, her point of view and her vision for her life.

It all feels completely surreal to me still.  It both took forever and went by in a flash, and to wake up this morning and be able to say I am officially a published author is an immense conflict of feelings- pride, fear, joy and worry.  Because first and foremost I hope you readers,  old and new, like it.  Because I wrote it for you and because of you- which is why I dedicated the book to you.  Your support, readership and conversation with me made this all possible.  Without you I wouldn’t be ME.  This is a long winded way of saying thank you. Thank you for helping me make this dream come true.

I can’t wait to hear what you think, and I can’t wait to meet so many of you on tour this week and next.  And don’t worry, if you haven’t gotten your pre-order books will be sold at all the signing parties (and I also will have bookplates to sign too you can stick in your copy).

Here we go….

