November 10, 2015

My Maternity Leave Plan


(Note: We are shooting the nursery this week- look for the reveal soon (here’s a sneak peek)!!!  Some pieces took a long time to get, hence the late share! But it’s coming, I promise!)

Since this baby could make his debut any day now, I figured I should share this info.  A few of you have asked about what my plan is for “maternity leave” (I put that term in quotations because when you own your own business it really is hard to imagine taking an extended time off).   I am so glad that my due date (this Sunday) is right before holiday season- it allows me a little more freedom mentally to check out for a bit knowing that most things slow way down between Thanksgiving and New Years.  I don’t think I’ve slowed down in eight years and may have forgotten how to do it.

Being your own boss has many, many benefits- making your own schedule is one of the best ones.  However, as any entrepreneur knows, this “own schedule” is typically ten times harder and longer than any schedule you ever had working for someone else.   My participation in my company not only effects the income I make, but other people who work for me count on it too.  So I can’t just take a typical 3-4 month leave. I just can’t.  And frankly, I don’t want to.  I will adore my son and I know it will be so much harder than I ever imagined to leave him for any extended period of time- but I also LOVE my career and am excited about what I have planned for 2016.  So I will attempt to figure this balance out one stumble at a time.

So to start, I will be taking his birth until January 3rd completely off from going into the office.  I will check e-mail and chime in when needed on projects, but I have three capable women running things day to day.  So I am going to try my best to be super present at home and take in all that drool-y, tiny cuteness while I can.    When he is born I will announce it here and then will take about a week off from blogging as well.  After that, it’s going to be a little fast and loose.  I will be posting as much as I can- ideally 2-3 times week. And I may have help, my longtime project manager/ right arm Lindsey is renovating her house and she will be documenting her kitchen project while I’m out.  I’ve also asked our design assistant Allison to chime in when she has some thoughts and fun things to share and may ask some other blogger friends to do some guest posts too.  Oh, and Andrew of course. But I love writing here, and I assume I will crave the connection with the design world (and other moms!) One thing I know for sure- I will be doing gift guides- one of my favorite things to do!

Come early January, things will start to go back to normal- albeit, my “new normal”.  Who knows how it will go, but I will have full time  in-home help then and will be transitioning back to the office (but the best thing- it’s two miles away so I can zip home in five minutes flat to feed or just get a snuggle!)  In that regard I am terribly lucky, and I know it.  I can try to do it all, but while I am trying, I am sure I will fall on my face many times.  And as I have before, I will rely on you readers to help get me back up during the particularly trying times.  And I hope that the documentation of this journey is as fun, interesting, poignant and funny for you as I am sure it will be for me.

You guys mean a lot to me, more than you may imagine.  Knowing I have this community at my fingertips is so comforting and helpful, especially during big life events.  But as I have experienced a few times over the past few months, there are always a few bad apples that sour the pot.  Motherhood, especially new motherhood, is a very scary, exciting, unknown journey.  And 99% of you have been SO helpful when I have asked for advice- which I really do want! In fact, I pulled those cheetah jammies out of my hospital bag and replaced them with black ones (and some flip flops!).  But some people take the opportunity to openly judge, be harsh and make comments that really hurt. Moreso about this topic than any other I’ve ever blogged about.  So while I totally welcome advice and tips, I want to ask that everyone remember that first time moms are pretty clueless, emotional and sensitive  and to just think twice about the tone and content of the comments.

I feel like I’m walking around with the Jaws music playing while I wait for “the time”.  I’m so excited (and scared) for this huge, momentous change.  It’s going to be crazy, and I’m glad you’re coming on the ride with me.
