August 16, 2019

Fashion Friday: Back to School Fashion for Littles

To continue on my “fall is coming” excitement, I decided to blog about kids clothes today for back to school! I know in the south this happens sooner than up north- so perhaps this is not as premature as I thought it might be!  Buying clothes for Henry is basically my 4th job, so I am pretty good at finding adorable styles that make him look like a tiny grown up. I know my time is running out until we enter the “all Under Armour all the time” phase, from what I’m told, so I delight in still being able to dress him. You won’t find me suggesting $200 Golden goose sneakers or Gucci tracksuits here though (I am honestly HORRIFIED by the prices of designer kids wear).  I find such amazing things at Old Navy, H&M and J.Crew Factory and when I want to go fancier- the quality of places like Boden, Tea Collection, Crewcuts and Maisonette is pretty awesome.


Links are not working within image right now so while I try to fix shop these here: